2023-2024 Section G7 Officers
Section Chief
Matthew Caldwell
Matthew is a Vigil Honor member of Shawnee Lodge. He is currently on his second term as Section Chief. Prior to his election as the First Section G7 Chief, he served his lodge as Lodge Chief, Chapter Chief, and Chapter First Vice Chief. He has Served the Gateway Region as the Lodge Improvement Coordinator and NLS Staff. Through his role as Section Chief, he has served the National OA as an AJVC at the 2023 National Jamboree and as the Adventure Central – Onsite Activities Lead at the 2024 NOAC.
Section Vice Chief
Allison Hemming
Allison is a Vigil Honor member of Illini Lodge. Prior to her election as the Section G7 Vice Chief, she has served her Lodge as Lodge Chief, Vice Chief of Activities, and Ordeal Chair.
Section Secretary
Adam Johnson
Adam is a Brotherhood member of Black Hawk Lodge. He is currently on his second term as Section Secretary. Prior to his election as the First Section G7 Secretary, he has served his Lodge as Lodge Chief, Vice Chief of Programs, and Secretary.